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Is Confectioners Glaze Halal? An In-Depth Look at the Ingredients and Manufacturing Process

Confectioner’s glaze, also known as resinous glaze, is a common food additive used to coat many sweets and candies. But is confectioners glaze actually halal? This comprehensive guide will examine the ingredients, manufacturing process, and Islamic rulings surrounding confectioners glaze to help you determine if it meets halal standards.

What is Confectioners Glaze?

Confectioners glaze is a shiny, smooth coating applied to candies and sweets like candy-coated chocolates, jelly beans, and almonds. It gives them a polished, glossy appearance and helps prevent candies from sticking together in the package.

The main ingredient in confectioners glaze is shellac, a natural resin secreted by the female lac bug. Shellac is processed and dissolved in alcohol to create liquid shellac, which is then sprayed in thin layers onto candies and allowed to dry, forming the hard, glossy coating.

In addition to shellac resin, confectioners glaze may also contain small amounts of wax, food coloring, and plasticizers to modify the final texture and appearance. However, shellac resin is the key component that gives confectioners glaze its characteristic shine and smoothness.

How is Confectioners Glaze Manufactured?

Confectioners glaze goes through an extensive manufacturing process to transform raw shellac resin into the finished food glaze. Here are the key steps:

Harvesting and Processing Shellac

Shellac is harvested from the lac insect, which secretes the resin onto tree branches in Southeast Asia. The resin is collected by scraping it off the branches and then processed to remove impurities like bark and insects. It is washed, filtered, and dried into shellac flakes.

Dissolving Shellac in Alcohol

The shellac flakes are dissolved in denatured ethyl alcohol to create liquid shellac. This is typically a 20-35% shellac solution. The alcohol helps liquefy the shellac so it can be sprayed evenly onto candies.

Adding Colors, Waxes, and Plasticizers

Small amounts of other ingredients like food coloring, beeswax, carnauba wax, and plasticizers are added to the shellac solution to modify the final texture, shine, flexibility, and color of the glaze.

Applying to Candies

The liquid glaze solution is sprayed or poured onto candies as they pass below precision glaze nozzles on a conveyor belt. The candies may be sent through multiple times to build up the desired glaze thickness.

Polishing and Drying

After applying the glaze, the candies are polished by soft pads or brushes to even out the coating and increase shine. The glazed candies are then sent through drying tunnels to solidify the shellac.

Quality Control and Packaging

Finished candies are inspected for proper glaze coverage, appearance, and stability. Approved batches are packaged and shipped to candy companies for retail sale.

So in summary, confectioners glaze starts with raw shellac which is refined, dissolved in alcohol, colored/enhanced, applied to candies, dried, and polished to create the final glossy coating.

Does Confectioners Glaze Contain Alcohol?

Yes, confectioners glaze does contain alcohol because shellac resin is dissolved in ethyl alcohol to make liquid shellac before being applied to candies.

The alcohol serves as a solvent to liquefy the solid shellac flakes into a smooth, sprayable coating. It allows the shellac to flow evenly over the candies and then evaporates as the glaze dries, leaving just the shiny shellac layer behind.

The alcohol content in the final dried confectioners glaze coating is very low, around 1-3%. However, the initial shellac solution used for glazing contains 20-35% alcohol before drying.

So while only trace amounts of alcohol may be present in the finished glazed candies, the manufacturing process does rely on alcohol as a key solvent ingredient.

Is Confectioners Glaze Vegan?

No, confectioners glaze is not considered vegan because shellac is an animal byproduct.

Shellac resin comes from the lac insect, which is in the same family as insects like scale, mealybugs, and aphids. So shellac is an animal-derived ingredient, making products containing shellac unsuitable for vegans.

There are some alternative glazes made with plant-based waxes that can be used to create vegan confectionery coatings. However, traditional confectioners glaze relies on shellac from insects, so it is non-vegan.

Is Shellac Halal or Haram?

Within Islamic law, there are differing opinions on whether shellac is considered halal or haram. Here is a summary of some key perspectives:

  • Haram due to insect origin: Some Muslim scholars classify shellac as haram because it comes from an insect secretion. Insects are not among the approved halal animals in the Quran.
  • Haram due to alcohol: The use of alcohol to dissolve shellac also makes confectioners glaze haram according to many opinions. Alcohol is strictly prohibited in the Muslim faith.
  • Halal due to chemical change: Some argue that the chemical transformation of shellac into a glaze changes its nature enough to make it halal. The end product is not chemically identical to the original insect secretion.
  • Halal due to widespread use: Since shellac is used in many common products like varnishes and pills, some Muslim groups permit it by default, especially if no halal alternatives are available.
  • Conditional permissibility: Some Islamic schools allow shellac in principle but recommend avoiding it if possible. They also advise checking if alcohol was used during processing when determining permissibility.

So in summary, there is no consensus within the Muslim community. Certain Islamic institutions and certifiers consider shellac to be haram, while others are more lenient in their interpretation. Individual Muslims should check with their preferred halal certification organizations to determine which opinion aligns with their standards and beliefs.

What are Some Potential Alternatives to Confectioners Glaze?

For those seeking to avoid shellac-based confectioners glaze, either for religious reasons or vegan diets, there are some alternative coating options:

  • Carnauba wax – Derived from palm leaves, this edible wax can create glossy coatings. It offers good glide and hardness.
  • Beeswax – Beeswax delivers a nice sheen and texture. However, it is not vegan.
  • Candelilla wax – Made from shrubs, candelilla wax is plant-based and provides glaze-like films.
  • Gum arabic – Water-soluble gum from acacia trees can act as a glaze when combined with sucrose.
  • Cellulose – Refined cellulose from plants can be modified into glossy coatings.
  • Resins – Some plant-derived resins like zein, a corn protein, can mimic shellac.
  • Sunflower oil – Deodorized high-oleic sunflower oil can create thin, transparent coatings.

So there are several vegan and halal-friendly alternatives to consider. However, most do not quite match the hardness, gloss, and protective abilities of shellac-based confectioners glaze. The search continues for ideal natural substitutes.

Should Muslims Avoid Confectioners Glaze and Shellac Products?

Whether Muslims should avoid confectioners glaze and other shellac-containing products is a complex issue given the differences in halal rulings. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Consult your chosen halal certifier’s guidelines on shellac permissibility. This can help resolve any confusion over conflicted opinions.
  • Check ingredient lists carefully and avoid products listing “shellac” if your standards prohibit it. Look for halal-certified alternatives.
  • For imported products, ensure the shellac was not alcohol-processed if this is a concern according to your interpretation.
  • If possible, opt for candies and pills coated with known halal-friendly substances like carnauba wax instead of generic “glaze”.
  • Remember that permissibility can depend on your situation. For example, medications may warrant more leniency than optional candy coatings.
  • If no halal-certified options are feasible, some schools allow shellac as a last resort, while others advise avoiding it if realistically possible.

Ultimately, each Muslim must weigh all factors and make an informed decision aligned with their personal halal standards. Consider the ingredient sources, manufacturing methods, necessity, and availability of alternatives when determining whether to avoid confectioners glaze and other shellac products.


Confectioners glaze is a widely used food coating that helps give many candies their characteristic glossy sheen. However, the main component shellac is derived from insects, and alcohol is used during processing – two major issues in terms of Islamic dietary law.

There is no consensus among Muslim scholars on whether shellac is ultimately halal or haram. Some prohibit it entirely, while others are more lenient under certain conditions. Individual Muslims should research opinions from multiple halal certification bodies to decide where they stand on shellac permissibility based on their personal standards and beliefs.

When possible, choosing alternative wax or resin-based coatings that are certified halal may be the safest option for avoiding any doubts over confectioners glaze. However, shellac is common in many products beyond just food glazes. By scrutinizing ingredients carefully and understanding different perspectives on shellac in Islam, Muslims can make informed choices about the candies, pills, and other items they choose to consume.